
Twin Stranger


A doppelganger is a biologically unrelated look-a-like of another person. Many books and movies have been created from the theme of the doppelganger, a German-derived word. In fiction, the doppelganger is often portrayed as an evil twin or a ghostly apparition.

Below are two articles about twin strangers and some fun fiction covering this literary theme.

Look-A-Like Humans Identified by Facial Recognition Algorithms Show Genetic Similarities

“Humans with a similar face might also share a more comprehensive physical, and probably behavioral, phenotype that relates to their shared genetic variants. Our study supports the concept of heritability estimation that individuals correlated at the phenotype level share a significant number of genotypic correlations.” (Joshi, R., et al, 2022)

Your Doppelganger is Out There And You Probably Share DNA With Them

“In a study published Tuesday in the journal Cell Reports, Dr. Esteller and his team recruited 32 pairs of look-alikes from Mr. Brunelle’s photographs to take DNA tests and complete questionnaires about their lifestyles. The researchers used facial recognition software to quantify the similarities between the participants’ faces. Sixteen of those 32 pairs achieved similar overall scores to identical twins analyzed by the same software. The researchers then compared the DNA of these 16 pairs of doppelgängers to see if their DNA was as similar as their faces.” Golembiewski, K., (2022) New York Times

THE GREATEST MURDER MYSTERY IN UNITED STATES HISTORY – THE ENIGMA OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD – HAS BEEN SOLVED! TWO ‘LEE HARVEY OSWALDS’ WERE AT THE TEXAS SCHOOL BOOK DEPOSITORY ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963 – ONE WAS AN ASSASSIN ON THE SIXTH FLOOR, THE OTHER WAS A PATSY DOWNSTAIRS ON THE FRONT STEPS!…. Mysteries within mysteries, halls of mirrors, among which is how four assassins, including Lee Oswald, escaped from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, and the real reason that Lee Oswald was a shooter in the TSBD building…. The photographs on the cover show the right side of Lee Oswald’s face (from a 1959 passport photo of ‘Lee Harvey Oswald’) and the left side of the face of ‘Harvey Oswald’ (from his Dallas booking photo in 1963), revealing that these were two different men!…..The key to JFK’s assassination is not the guilt of Lee Oswald, a CIA contract agent – he was guilty of conspiracy, treason and murder – but the innocence of ‘Harvey Oswald,’ an employee of the Texas School Book Depository and an agent of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), the CIA and the FBI, who was murdered by Jack Ruby. Harvey’s innocence demonstrates that there indeed was a conspiracy to murder John Fitzgerald Kennedy…..

They say everyone has a double. Walt’s distant cousin, Clint Marlow, could be his twin.
When the unscrupulous cousin arrives at Marlow House with his fiancée, he conceals his real reason for being there.
But, unknown to Walt—and his cousin—the Universe has its own plans, and none of them will ever again be the same.

By chance, John and Jean — one English, the other French — meet in a provincial railway station. Their resemblance to each other is uncanny, and they spend the next few hours talking and drinking – until at last John falls into a drunken stupor. It’s to be his last carefree moment, for when he wakes, Jean has stolen his identity and disappeared. So the Englishman steps into the Frenchman’s shoes, and faces a variety of perplexing roles – as owner of a chateau, director of a failing business, head of a fractious family, and master of nothing.

Nadia and Susanne look uncannily alike, but one of the women is seriously rich and the other is destitute. When Nadia asks Susanne to spend the weekend with her husband so that she can sneak off with a lover, how can Susanne refuse the outrageous payment on offer? Nadia and her husband barely speak to each other and he will be working most of the weekend. Easy money, or so it seems.

A pesky demon, a best friend who has vanished and no one remembers ever existed, a mother suffering from melancholia and willful blindness, these are just some of the problems that have Martha Jane Lewis baffled, befuddled, and bewildered.